A.S.D. Edvige361gradi it was formally born after the opportunity to participate in “Play the Game” Colorado Spring, 2019 congress where we had the pleasure to know and share deeply with Prof. Jay Coakley, Professor Emeritus the Sociology Department at the University of Colorado.
The Physical activity projects applied the various programs of activities proposed follow the holistic method or “integrated model” of motor science. It is credible that kinesiologists and health researcher should be “field scientists” thanks to the integrated capacity of knowing, knowing how to do and knowing how to be.

The “FERENTILLLO SOCIAL CLUB CAMP” weeks enrolled youth and adults attending the school projects and non-curricular- afternoon courses. People carried out a socio-motor educational activity, from September to mid-June at the Stadio dei Marmi – Mennea (location with high Olympic vocation). This track and field stadium has become a meeting and experiences place open at all citizens of all ages, who were denied access to gyms or swimming pools, indoor activities during the pandemic, in metropolitan Roma.

Edvige361gradi had to find a solution to fulfill his “welcome and inclusiveness” pillar. Inclusiveness intending as a critical review of the conventional categories that regulate access to rights and opportunities, counteracting discrimination and intolerance produced by judgments, prejudices, racism, and stereotypes. (Treccani)
This intuition was born at the foundation to act in favor of the few grassroot sports opportunities, especially for youth and people in social-economic diseases, against early sports drop-out and in favor of a healthy behaviors of movement as a correct lifestyle.

In Italy, government restrictions to counter the emergency (after the first look down period) did not allow access to indoor socio-motor activity.
Sport sociology is an umbrella term that describes the duality between motor activity and inclusiveness. The solution to this paradigm was the choice to practice all this in an outdoor key, in urban spaces and to rediscover Nature; another pillar of Edvige361gradi to its foundation.

The applied model works on competences with 2 other comparison groups (school – afternoon courses) non-participated at Socio-motor-outdoor camp.

The individual well-being and the relational-social well-being were guaranteed as the Life Skills targets.

hendricks PA. Targeting Life Skills Model. Iowa State University Extension. 1996. Ames, IA
The integrated model applied is akin to the purposes of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The model develops 4/8 competences in a European key:

  • Multilingual competence
  • Personal, social and learning to learn competence
  • Citizenship competence
  • Entrepreneurship competence
  • Cultural awareness and expression competence
  • Digital competence
  • Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering
  • Literacy competence

Thanks to the moving and after discriminations the integrity of the person and equal opportunities went back to the right place. Civilization was guaranteed.


Art. 3.
“All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions” It is the duty of the Republic to remove the obstacles of an economic and social nature which, by limiting the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and of the country.

“The experience is cast”